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Ray White Kelapa Gading entered the market in 1998. With only five Marketing Executives at the beginning, Ray White Kelapa Gading was still able to grab its market strongly and has been the market leader in Kelapa Gading ever since. Along the journey, the number of Marketing Executives has increased to 50 professional consultants providing accurate advices and service of excellence. Numbers of transactions and value of transactions per year ...
Julius Ade Tjandrawidjaja
Principal of Ray White Kelapa Gading
Aveline RWKG
Briegita RWKG
David RWKG
Ellyta Admin
LRT Jakarta akan menghubungkan Kelapa Gading ke pusat kota.
LRT Jakarta fase 1B Velodrome - Manggarai mulai digarap. Kelapa Gading ke Manggarai akan jadi 26 menit saja tanpa macet.
Beli Rumah dibawah 2M Gratis PPN, Gratis BPHTB !
Diumumkan Presiden Jokowi, 24 Oktober 2023 melalui Menko Perkekonomian Airlangga Hartarto, akan ada insentif PPN yang ditanggung pemerintah 100% yang berlaku sebentar lagi.
RayWhite Kelapa Gading Team Outing @ Taman Bukit Palem Resort - 16 & 17 Januari 2023
"Join the ultimate dream team on our latest company outing featuring the renowned business coach David Setiadi! Our expert real estate agents and David's unparalleled coaching will help you find not just a home, but a lifetime of success and happiness. Let's make your dreams come true with our winning combination! Stronger ! Further ! Together !" #raywhitekelapagading #DavidSetiadi #teamouting #raywhite #strongerfurthertogether